Source code for movement.filtering

"""Functions for filtering and interpolating pose tracks in xarray datasets."""

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
from typing import Optional, Union

import xarray as xr
from scipy import signal

from movement.logging import log_error

def log_to_attrs(func):
    """Log the operation performed by the wrapped function.

    This decorator appends log entries to the xarray.Dataset's "log" attribute.
    For the decorator to work, the wrapped function must accept an
    xarray.Dataset as its first argument and return an xarray.Dataset.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)

        log_entry = {
            "operation": func.__name__,
            "datetime": str(,
            **{f"arg_{i}": arg for i, arg in enumerate(args[1:], start=1)},

        # Append the log entry to the result's attributes
        if result is not None and hasattr(result, "attrs"):
            if "log" not in result.attrs:
                result.attrs["log"] = []

        return result

    return wrapper

[docs] def report_nan_values(ds: xr.Dataset, ds_label: str = "dataset"): """Report the number and percentage of points that are NaN. Numbers are reported for each individual and keypoint in the dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing position, confidence scores, and metadata. ds_label : str Label to identify the dataset in the report. Default is "dataset". """ # Compile the report nan_report = f"\nMissing points (marked as NaN) in {ds_label}:" for ind in ds.individuals.values: nan_report += f"\n\tIndividual: {ind}" for kp in ds.keypoints.values: # Get the position track for the current individual and keypoint position = ds.position.sel(individuals=ind, keypoints=kp) # A point is considered NaN if any of its space coordinates are NaN n_nans = position.isnull().any(["space"]).sum(["time"]).item() n_points = position.time.size percent_nans = round((n_nans / n_points) * 100, 1) nan_report += f"\n\t\t{kp}: {n_nans}/{n_points} ({percent_nans}%)" # Write nan report to logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Also print the report to the console print(nan_report) return None
[docs] @log_to_attrs def interpolate_over_time( ds: xr.Dataset, method: str = "linear", max_gap: Union[int, None] = None, print_report: bool = True, ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, None]: """Fill in NaN values by interpolating over the time dimension. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing position, confidence scores, and metadata. method : str String indicating which method to use for interpolation. Default is ``linear``. See documentation for ``xarray.DataArray.interpolate_na`` for complete list of options. max_gap : The largest time gap of consecutive NaNs (in seconds) that will be interpolated over. The default value is ``None`` (no limit). print_report : bool Whether to print a report on the number of NaNs in the dataset before and after interpolation. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- ds_interpolated : xr.Dataset The provided dataset (ds), where NaN values have been interpolated over using the parameters provided. """ ds_interpolated = ds.copy() position_interpolated = ds.position.interpolate_na( dim="time", method=method, max_gap=max_gap, fill_value="extrapolate" ) ds_interpolated.update({"position": position_interpolated}) if print_report: report_nan_values(ds, "input dataset") report_nan_values(ds_interpolated, "interpolated dataset") return ds_interpolated
[docs] @log_to_attrs def filter_by_confidence( ds: xr.Dataset, threshold: float = 0.6, print_report: bool = True, ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, None]: """Drop all points below a certain confidence threshold. Position points with an associated confidence value below the threshold are converted to NaN. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing position, confidence scores, and metadata. threshold : float The confidence threshold below which datapoints are filtered. A default value of ``0.6`` is used. See notes for more information. print_report : bool Whether to print a report on the number of NaNs in the dataset before and after filtering. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- ds_thresholded : xarray.Dataset The provided dataset (ds), where points with a confidence value below the user-defined threshold have been converted to NaNs. Notes ----- The point-wise confidence values reported by various pose estimation frameworks are not standardised, and the range of values can vary. For example, DeepLabCut reports a likelihood value between 0 and 1, whereas the point confidence reported by SLEAP can range above 1. Therefore, the default threshold value will not be appropriate for all datasets and does not have the same meaning across pose estimation frameworks. We advise users to inspect the confidence values in their dataset and adjust the threshold accordingly. """ ds_thresholded = ds.copy() ds_thresholded.update( {"position": ds.position.where(ds.confidence >= threshold)} ) if print_report: report_nan_values(ds, "input dataset") report_nan_values(ds_thresholded, "filtered dataset") return ds_thresholded
[docs] @log_to_attrs def median_filter( ds: xr.Dataset, window_length: int, min_periods: Optional[int] = None, print_report: bool = True, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Smooth pose tracks by applying a median filter over time. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing position, confidence scores, and metadata. window_length : int The size of the filter window. Window length is interpreted as being in the input dataset's time unit, which can be inspected with ``ds.time_unit``. min_periods : int Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN). The default, None, is equivalent to setting ``min_periods`` equal to the size of the window. This argument is directly passed to the ``min_periods`` parameter of ``xarray.DataArray.rolling``. print_report : bool Whether to print a report on the number of NaNs in the dataset before and after filtering. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- ds_smoothed : xarray.Dataset The provided dataset (ds), where pose tracks have been smoothed using a median filter with the provided parameters. Notes ----- By default, whenever one or more NaNs are present in the filter window, a NaN is returned to the output array. As a result, any stretch of NaNs present in the input dataset will be propagated proportionally to the size of the window in frames (specifically, by ``floor(window_length/2)``). To control this behaviour, the ``min_periods`` option can be used to specify the minimum number of non-NaN values required in the window to compute a result. For example, setting ``min_periods=1`` will result in the filter returning NaNs only when all values in the window are NaN, since 1 non-NaN value is sufficient to compute the median. """ ds_smoothed = ds.copy() # Express window length (and its half) in frames if ds.time_unit == "seconds": window_length = int(window_length * ds.fps) half_window = window_length // 2 ds_smoothed.update( { "position": ds.position.pad( # Pad the edges to avoid NaNs time=half_window, mode="reflect" ) .rolling( # Take rolling windows across time time=window_length, center=True, min_periods=min_periods ) .median( # Compute the median of each window skipna=True ) .isel( # Remove the padded edges time=slice(half_window, -half_window) ) } ) if print_report: report_nan_values(ds, "input dataset") report_nan_values(ds_smoothed, "filtered dataset") return ds_smoothed
[docs] @log_to_attrs def savgol_filter( ds: xr.Dataset, window_length: int, polyorder: int = 2, print_report: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Smooth pose tracks by applying a Savitzky-Golay filter over time. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing position, confidence scores, and metadata. window_length : int The size of the filter window. Window length is interpreted as being in the input dataset's time unit, which can be inspected with ``ds.time_unit``. polyorder : int The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. Must be less than ``window_length``. By default, a ``polyorder`` of 2 is used. print_report : bool Whether to print a report on the number of NaNs in the dataset before and after filtering. Default is ``True``. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments are passed to scipy.signal.savgol_filter. Note that the ``axis`` keyword argument may not be overridden. Returns ------- ds_smoothed : xarray.Dataset The provided dataset (ds), where pose tracks have been smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter with the provided parameters. Notes ----- Uses the ``scipy.signal.savgol_filter`` function to apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to the input dataset's ``position`` variable. See the scipy documentation for more information on that function. Whenever one or more NaNs are present in a filter window of the input dataset, a NaN is returned to the output array. As a result, any stretch of NaNs present in the input dataset will be propagated proportionally to the size of the window in frames (specifically, by ``floor(window_length/2)``). Note that, unlike ``movement.filtering.median_filter()``, there is no ``min_periods`` option to control this behaviour. """ if "axis" in kwargs: raise log_error( ValueError, "The 'axis' argument may not be overridden." ) ds_smoothed = ds.copy() if ds.time_unit == "seconds": window_length = int(window_length * ds.fps) position_smoothed = signal.savgol_filter( ds.position, window_length, polyorder, axis=0, **kwargs, ) position_smoothed_da = ds.position.copy(data=position_smoothed) ds_smoothed.update({"position": position_smoothed_da}) if print_report: report_nan_values(ds, "input dataset") report_nan_values(ds_smoothed, "filtered dataset") return ds_smoothed