"""Load pose tracking data from various frameworks into ``movement``."""
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from sleap_io.io.slp import read_labels
from sleap_io.model.labels import Labels
from movement.utils.logging import log_error, log_warning
from movement.validators.datasets import ValidPosesDataset
from movement.validators.files import ValidDeepLabCutCSV, ValidFile, ValidHDF5
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def from_numpy(
position_array: np.ndarray,
confidence_array: np.ndarray | None = None,
individual_names: list[str] | None = None,
keypoint_names: list[str] | None = None,
fps: float | None = None,
source_software: str | None = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from NumPy arrays.
position_array : np.ndarray
Array of shape (n_frames, n_space, n_keypoints, n_individuals)
containing the poses. It will be converted to a
:class:`xarray.DataArray` object named "position".
confidence_array : np.ndarray, optional
Array of shape (n_frames, n_keypoints, n_individuals) containing
the point-wise confidence scores. It will be converted to a
:class:`xarray.DataArray` object named "confidence".
If None (default), the scores will be set to an array of NaNs.
individual_names : list of str, optional
List of unique names for the individuals in the video. If None
(default), the individuals will be named "individual_0",
"individual_1", etc.
keypoint_names : list of str, optional
List of unique names for the keypoints in the skeleton. If None
(default), the keypoints will be named "keypoint_0", "keypoint_1",
fps : float, optional
Frames per second of the video. Defaults to None, in which case
the time coordinates will be in frame numbers.
source_software : str, optional
Name of the pose estimation software from which the data originate.
Defaults to None.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
Create random position data for two individuals, ``Alice`` and ``Bob``,
with three keypoints each: ``snout``, ``centre``, and ``tail_base``.
These are tracked in 2D space over 100 frames, at 30 fps.
The confidence scores are set to 1 for all points.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from movement.io import load_poses
>>> ds = load_poses.from_numpy(
... position_array=np.random.rand(100, 2, 3, 2),
... confidence_array=np.ones((100, 2, 3)),
... individual_names=["Alice", "Bob"],
... keypoint_names=["snout", "centre", "tail_base"],
... fps=30,
... )
valid_data = ValidPosesDataset(
return _ds_from_valid_data(valid_data)
def from_file(
file_path: Path | str,
source_software: Literal["DeepLabCut", "SLEAP", "LightningPose"],
fps: float | None = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from any supported file.
file_path : pathlib.Path or str
Path to the file containing predicted poses. The file format must
be among those supported by the ``from_dlc_file()``,
``from_slp_file()`` or ``from_lp_file()`` functions. One of these
these functions will be called internally, based on
the value of ``source_software``.
source_software : "DeepLabCut", "SLEAP" or "LightningPose"
The source software of the file.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
See Also
>>> from movement.io import load_poses
>>> ds = load_poses.from_file(
... "path/to/file.h5", source_software="DeepLabCut", fps=30
... )
if source_software == "DeepLabCut":
return from_dlc_file(file_path, fps)
elif source_software == "SLEAP":
return from_sleap_file(file_path, fps)
elif source_software == "LightningPose":
return from_lp_file(file_path, fps)
raise log_error(
ValueError, f"Unsupported source software: {source_software}"
def from_dlc_style_df(
df: pd.DataFrame,
fps: float | None = None,
source_software: Literal["DeepLabCut", "LightningPose"] = "DeepLabCut",
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a DeepLabCut-style DataFrame.
df : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the pose tracks and confidence scores. Must
be formatted as in DeepLabCut output files (see Notes).
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
source_software : str, optional
Name of the pose estimation software from which the data originate.
Defaults to "DeepLabCut", but it can also be "LightningPose"
(because they the same DataFrame format).
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
The DataFrame must have a multi-index column with the following levels:
"scorer", ("individuals"), "bodyparts", "coords". The "individuals"
level may be omitted if there is only one individual in the video.
The "coords" level contains the spatial coordinates "x", "y",
as well as "likelihood" (point-wise confidence scores).
The row index corresponds to the frame number.
See Also
# read names of individuals and keypoints from the DataFrame
if "individuals" in df.columns.names:
individual_names = (
individual_names = ["individual_0"]
keypoint_names = (
# reshape the data into (n_frames, 3, n_keypoints, n_individuals)
# where the second axis contains "x", "y", "likelihood"
tracks_with_scores = (
.reshape((-1, len(individual_names), len(keypoint_names), 3))
.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1)
return from_numpy(
position_array=tracks_with_scores[:, :-1, :, :],
confidence_array=tracks_with_scores[:, -1, :, :],
def from_sleap_file(
file_path: Path | str, fps: float | None = None
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a SLEAP file.
file_path : pathlib.Path or str
Path to the file containing the SLEAP predictions in .h5
(analysis) format. Alternatively, a .slp (labels) file can
also be supplied (but this feature is experimental, see Notes).
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
The SLEAP predictions are normally saved in .slp files, e.g.
"v1.predictions.slp". An analysis file, suffixed with ".h5" can be exported
from the .slp file, using either the command line tool `sleap-convert`
(with the "--format analysis" option enabled) or the SLEAP GUI (Choose
"Export Analysis HDF5…" from the "File" menu) [1]_. This is the
preferred format for loading pose tracks from SLEAP into *movement*.
You can also directly load the .slp file. However, if the file contains
multiple videos, only the pose tracks from the first video will be loaded.
If the file contains a mix of user-labelled and predicted instances, user
labels are prioritised over predicted instances to mirror SLEAP's approach
when exporting .h5 analysis files [2]_.
*movement* expects the tracks to be assigned and proofread before loading
them, meaning each track is interpreted as a single individual. If
no tracks are found in the file, *movement* assumes that this is a
single-individual track, and will assign a default individual name.
If multiple instances without tracks are present in a frame, the last
instance is selected [2]_.
Follow the SLEAP guide for tracking and proofreading [3]_.
.. [1] https://sleap.ai/tutorials/analysis.html
.. [2] https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/blob/v1.3.3/sleap/info/write_tracking_h5.py#L59
.. [3] https://sleap.ai/guides/proofreading.html
>>> from movement.io import load_poses
>>> ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("path/to/file.analysis.h5", fps=30)
file = ValidFile(
expected_suffix=[".h5", ".slp"],
# Load and validate data
if file.path.suffix == ".h5":
ds = _ds_from_sleap_analysis_file(file.path, fps=fps)
else: # file.path.suffix == ".slp"
ds = _ds_from_sleap_labels_file(file.path, fps=fps)
# Add metadata as attrs
ds.attrs["source_file"] = file.path.as_posix()
logger.info(f"Loaded pose tracks from {file.path}:")
return ds
def from_lp_file(
file_path: Path | str, fps: float | None = None
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a LightningPose file.
file_path : pathlib.Path or str
Path to the file containing the predicted poses, in .csv format.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
>>> from movement.io import load_poses
>>> ds = load_poses.from_lp_file("path/to/file.csv", fps=30)
return _ds_from_lp_or_dlc_file(
file_path=file_path, source_software="LightningPose", fps=fps
def from_dlc_file(
file_path: Path | str, fps: float | None = None
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a DeepLabCut file.
file_path : pathlib.Path or str
Path to the file containing the predicted poses, either in .h5
or .csv format.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
See Also
>>> from movement.io import load_poses
>>> ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("path/to/file.h5", fps=30)
return _ds_from_lp_or_dlc_file(
file_path=file_path, source_software="DeepLabCut", fps=fps
def from_multiview_files(
file_path_dict: dict[str, Path | str],
source_software: Literal["DeepLabCut", "SLEAP", "LightningPose"],
fps: float | None = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Load and merge pose tracking data from multiple views (cameras).
file_path_dict : dict[str, Union[Path, str]]
A dict whose keys are the view names and values are the paths to load.
source_software : {'LightningPose', 'SLEAP', 'DeepLabCut'}
The source software of the file.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata, with an additional ``views`` dimension.
views_list = list(file_path_dict.keys())
new_coord_views = xr.DataArray(views_list, dims="view")
dataset_list = [
from_file(f, source_software=source_software, fps=fps)
for f in file_path_dict.values()
return xr.concat(dataset_list, dim=new_coord_views)
def _ds_from_lp_or_dlc_file(
file_path: Path | str,
source_software: Literal["LightningPose", "DeepLabCut"],
fps: float | None = None,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a LightningPose or DLC file.
file_path : pathlib.Path or str
Path to the file containing the predicted poses, either in .h5
or .csv format.
source_software : {'LightningPose', 'DeepLabCut'}
The source software of the file.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame numbers.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
expected_suffix = [".csv"]
if source_software == "DeepLabCut":
file = ValidFile(
file_path, expected_permission="r", expected_suffix=expected_suffix
# Load the DeepLabCut poses into a DataFrame
df = (
if file.path.suffix == ".csv"
else _df_from_dlc_h5(file.path)
logger.debug(f"Loaded poses from {file.path} into a DataFrame.")
# Convert the DataFrame to an xarray dataset
ds = from_dlc_style_df(df=df, fps=fps, source_software=source_software)
# Add metadata as attrs
ds.attrs["source_file"] = file.path.as_posix()
logger.info(f"Loaded pose tracks from {file.path}:")
return ds
def _ds_from_sleap_analysis_file(
file_path: Path, fps: float | None
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a SLEAP analysis (.h5) file.
file_path : pathlib.Path
Path to the SLEAP analysis file containing predicted pose tracks.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame units.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
file = ValidHDF5(file_path, expected_datasets=["tracks"])
with h5py.File(file.path, "r") as f:
# Transpose to shape: (n_frames, n_space, n_keypoints, n_tracks)
tracks = f["tracks"][:].transpose(3, 1, 2, 0)
# Create an array of NaNs for the confidence scores
scores = np.full(tracks.shape[:1] + tracks.shape[2:], np.nan)
individual_names = [n.decode() for n in f["track_names"][:]] or None
if individual_names is None:
f"Could not find SLEAP Track in {file.path}. "
"Assuming single-individual dataset and assigning "
"default individual name."
# If present, read the point-wise scores,
# and transpose to shape: (n_frames, n_keypoints, n_tracks)
if "point_scores" in f:
scores = f["point_scores"][:].T
return from_numpy(
keypoint_names=[n.decode() for n in f["node_names"][:]],
def _ds_from_sleap_labels_file(
file_path: Path, fps: float | None
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from a SLEAP labels (.slp) file.
file_path : pathlib.Path
Path to the SLEAP labels file containing predicted pose tracks.
fps : float, optional
The number of frames per second in the video. If None (default),
the ``time`` coordinates will be in frame units.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
file = ValidHDF5(file_path, expected_datasets=["pred_points", "metadata"])
labels = read_labels(file.path.as_posix())
tracks_with_scores = _sleap_labels_to_numpy(labels)
individual_names = [track.name for track in labels.tracks] or None
if individual_names is None:
f"Could not find SLEAP Track in {file.path}. "
"Assuming single-individual dataset and assigning "
"default individual name."
return from_numpy(
position_array=tracks_with_scores[:, :-1, :, :],
confidence_array=tracks_with_scores[:, -1, :, :],
keypoint_names=[kp.name for kp in labels.skeletons[0].nodes],
def _sleap_labels_to_numpy(labels: Labels) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert a SLEAP ``Labels`` object to a NumPy array.
The output array contains pose tracks and point-wise confidence scores.
labels : Labels
A SLEAP `Labels` object.
A NumPy array containing pose tracks and confidence scores,
with shape ``(n_frames, 3, n_nodes, n_tracks)``.
This function only considers SLEAP instances in the first
video of the SLEAP `Labels` object. User-labelled instances are
prioritised over predicted instances, mirroring SLEAP's approach
when exporting .h5 analysis files [1]_.
This function is adapted from `Labels.numpy()` from the
`sleap_io` package [2]_.
.. [1] https://github.com/talmolab/sleap/blob/v1.3.3/sleap/info/write_tracking_h5.py#L59
.. [2] https://github.com/talmolab/sleap-io
# Select frames from the first video only
lfs = [lf for lf in labels.labeled_frames if lf.video == labels.videos[0]]
# Figure out frame index range
frame_idxs = [lf.frame_idx for lf in lfs]
first_frame = min(0, min(frame_idxs))
last_frame = max(0, max(frame_idxs))
n_tracks = len(labels.tracks) or 1 # If no tracks, assume 1 individual
individuals = labels.tracks or [None]
skeleton = labels.skeletons[-1] # Assume project only uses last skeleton
n_nodes = len(skeleton.nodes)
n_frames = int(last_frame - first_frame + 1)
tracks = np.full((n_frames, 3, n_nodes, n_tracks), np.nan, dtype="float32")
for lf in lfs:
i = int(lf.frame_idx - first_frame)
user_instances = lf.user_instances
predicted_instances = lf.predicted_instances
for j, ind in enumerate(individuals):
user_track_instances = [
inst for inst in user_instances if inst.track == ind
predicted_track_instances = [
inst for inst in predicted_instances if inst.track == ind
# Use user-labelled instance if available
if user_track_instances:
inst = user_track_instances[-1]
tracks[i, ..., j] = np.hstack(
(inst.numpy(), np.full((n_nodes, 1), np.nan))
elif predicted_track_instances:
inst = predicted_track_instances[-1]
tracks[i, ..., j] = inst.numpy(scores=True).T
return tracks
def _df_from_dlc_csv(file_path: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a DeepLabCut-style DataFrame from a .csv file.
If poses are loaded from a DeepLabCut-style .csv file, the DataFrame
lacks the multi-index columns that are present in the .h5 file. This
function parses the .csv file to DataFrame with multi-index columns,
i.e. the same format as in the .h5 file.
file_path : pathlib.Path
Path to the DeepLabCut-style .csv file containing pose tracks.
DeepLabCut-style DataFrame with multi-index columns.
file = ValidDeepLabCutCSV(file_path)
possible_level_names = ["scorer", "individuals", "bodyparts", "coords"]
with open(file.path) as f:
# if line starts with a possible level name, split it into a list
# of strings, and add it to the list of header lines
header_lines = [
for line in f.readlines()
if line.split(",")[0] in possible_level_names
# Form multi-index column names from the header lines
level_names = [line[0] for line in header_lines]
column_tuples = list(
zip(*[line[1:] for line in header_lines], strict=False)
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(column_tuples, names=level_names)
# Import the DeepLabCut poses as a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(
df.columns.rename(level_names, inplace=True)
return df
def _df_from_dlc_h5(file_path: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a DeepLabCut-style DataFrame from a .h5 file.
file_path : pathlib.Path
Path to the DeepLabCut-style HDF5 file containing pose tracks.
DeepLabCut-style DataFrame with multi-index columns.
file = ValidHDF5(file_path, expected_datasets=["df_with_missing"])
# pd.read_hdf does not always return a DataFrame but we assume it does
# in this case (since we know what's in the "df_with_missing" dataset)
df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(file.path, key="df_with_missing"))
return df
def _ds_from_valid_data(data: ValidPosesDataset) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Create a ``movement`` poses dataset from validated pose tracking data.
data : movement.io.tracks_validators.ValidPosesDataset
The validated data object.
``movement`` dataset containing the pose tracks, confidence scores,
and associated metadata.
n_frames = data.position_array.shape[0]
n_space = data.position_array.shape[1]
# Create the time coordinate, depending on the value of fps
time_coords = np.arange(n_frames, dtype=int)
time_unit = "frames"
if data.fps is not None:
time_coords = time_coords / data.fps
time_unit = "seconds"
DIM_NAMES = ValidPosesDataset.DIM_NAMES
# Convert data to an xarray.Dataset
return xr.Dataset(
"position": xr.DataArray(data.position_array, dims=DIM_NAMES),
"confidence": xr.DataArray(
data.confidence_array, dims=DIM_NAMES[:1] + DIM_NAMES[2:]
DIM_NAMES[0]: time_coords,
DIM_NAMES[1]: ["x", "y", "z"][:n_space],
DIM_NAMES[2]: data.keypoint_names,
DIM_NAMES[3]: data.individual_names,
"fps": data.fps,
"time_unit": time_unit,
"source_software": data.source_software,
"source_file": None,
"ds_type": "poses",