Source code for

"""Functions for saving pose tracking data to various file formats."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from import ValidFile
from movement.logging import log_error

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _ds_to_dlc_style_df(
    ds: xr.Dataset, columns: pd.MultiIndex
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Convert a ``movement`` dataset to a DeepLabCut-style DataFrame.

    ds : xarray.Dataset
        ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores,
        and associated metadata.
    columns : pandas.MultiIndex
        DeepLabCut-style multi-index columns


    # Concatenate the pose tracks and confidence scores into one array
    tracks_with_scores = np.concatenate(
  [..., np.newaxis],

    # Create DataFrame with multi-index columns
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        data=tracks_with_scores.reshape(ds.sizes["time"], -1),
        index=np.arange(ds.sizes["time"], dtype=int),

    return df

def _auto_split_individuals(ds: xr.Dataset) -> bool:
    """Return True if there is only one individual in the dataset."""
    n_individuals = ds.sizes["individuals"]
    return n_individuals == 1

def _save_dlc_df(filepath: Path, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
    """Save the dataframe as either a .h5 or .csv depending on the file path.

    filepath : pathlib.Path
        Path of the file to save the dataframe to. The file extension
        must be either .h5 (recommended) or .csv.
    df : pandas.DataFrame
        Pandas Dataframe to save

    if filepath.suffix == ".csv":
        df.to_csv(filepath, sep=",")
    else:  # at this point it can only be .h5 (because of validation)
        df.to_hdf(filepath, key="df_with_missing")

[docs] def to_dlc_style_df( ds: xr.Dataset, split_individuals: bool = False ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]: """Convert a ``movement`` dataset to DeepLabCut-style DataFrame(s). Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores, and associated metadata. split_individuals : bool, optional If True, return a dictionary of DataFrames per individual, with individual names as keys. If False (default), return a single DataFrame for all individuals (see Notes). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or dict DeepLabCut-style pandas DataFrame or dictionary of DataFrames. Notes ----- The DataFrame(s) will have a multi-index column with the following levels: "scorer", "bodyparts", "coords" (if split_individuals is True), or "scorer", "individuals", "bodyparts", "coords" (if split_individuals is False). Regardless of the provenance of the points-wise confidence scores, they will be referred to as "likelihood", and stored in the "coords" level (as DeepLabCut expects). See Also -------- to_dlc_file : Save dataset directly to a DeepLabCut-style .h5 or .csv file. """ _validate_dataset(ds) scorer = ["movement"] bodyparts = ds.coords["keypoints"].data.tolist() coords = ds.coords["space"].data.tolist() + ["likelihood"] individuals = ds.coords["individuals"].data.tolist() if split_individuals: df_dict = {} for individual in individuals: individual_data = ds.sel(individuals=individual) index_levels = ["scorer", "bodyparts", "coords"] columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [scorer, bodyparts, coords], names=index_levels ) df = _ds_to_dlc_style_df(individual_data, columns) df_dict[individual] = df "Converted poses dataset to DeepLabCut-style DataFrames " "per individual." ) return df_dict else: index_levels = ["scorer", "individuals", "bodyparts", "coords"] columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [scorer, individuals, bodyparts, coords], names=index_levels ) df_all = _ds_to_dlc_style_df(ds, columns)"Converted poses dataset to DeepLabCut-style DataFrame.") return df_all
[docs] def to_dlc_file( ds: xr.Dataset, file_path: Union[str, Path], split_individuals: Union[bool, Literal["auto"]] = "auto", ) -> None: """Save a ``movement`` dataset to DeepLabCut file(s). Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores, and associated metadata. file_path : pathlib.Path or str Path to the file to save the poses to. The file extension must be either .h5 (recommended) or .csv. split_individuals : bool or "auto", optional Whether to save individuals to separate files or to the same file (see Notes). Defaults to "auto". Notes ----- If ``split_individuals`` is True, each individual will be saved to a separate file, formatted as in a single-animal DeepLabCut project (without the "individuals" column level). The individual's name will be appended to the file path, just before the file extension, e.g. "/path/to/filename_individual1.h5". If False, all individuals will be saved to the same file, formatted as in a multi-animal DeepLabCut project (with the "individuals" column level). The file path will not be modified. If "auto", the argument's value is determined based on the number of individuals in the dataset: True if there is only one, False otherwise. See Also -------- to_dlc_style_df : Convert dataset to DeepLabCut-style DataFrame(s). Examples -------- >>> from import save_poses, load_poses >>> ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("/path/to/file_sleap.analysis.h5") >>> save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file_dlc.h5") """ # noqa: D301 file = _validate_file_path(file_path, expected_suffix=[".csv", ".h5"]) # Sets default behaviour for the function if split_individuals == "auto": split_individuals = _auto_split_individuals(ds) elif not isinstance(split_individuals, bool): raise log_error( ValueError, "Expected 'split_individuals' to be a boolean or 'auto', but got " f"{type(split_individuals)}.", ) if split_individuals: # split the dataset into a dictionary of dataframes per individual df_dict = to_dlc_style_df(ds, split_individuals=True) for key, df in df_dict.items(): # the key is the individual's name filepath = f"{file.path.with_suffix('')}_{key}{file.path.suffix}" if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): _save_dlc_df(Path(filepath), df)"Saved poses for individual {key} to {file.path}.") else: # convert the dataset to a single dataframe for all individuals df_all = to_dlc_style_df(ds, split_individuals=False) if isinstance(df_all, pd.DataFrame): _save_dlc_df(file.path, df_all)"Saved poses dataset to {file.path}.")
[docs] def to_lp_file( ds: xr.Dataset, file_path: Union[str, Path], ) -> None: """Save a ``movement`` dataset to a LightningPose file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores, and associated metadata. file_path : pathlib.Path or str Path to the file to save the poses to. File extension must be .csv. Notes ----- LightningPose saves pose estimation outputs as .csv files, using the same format as single-animal DeepLabCut projects. Therefore, under the hood, this function calls :py:func:`` with ``split_individuals=True``. This setting means that each individual is saved to a separate file, with the individual's name appended to the file path, just before the file extension, i.e. "/path/to/filename_individual1.csv". See Also -------- to_dlc_file : Save dataset to a DeepLabCut-style .h5 or .csv file. """ file = _validate_file_path(file_path=file_path, expected_suffix=[".csv"]) _validate_dataset(ds) to_dlc_file(ds, file.path, split_individuals=True)
[docs] def to_sleap_analysis_file( ds: xr.Dataset, file_path: Union[str, Path] ) -> None: """Save a ``movement`` dataset to a SLEAP analysis file. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores, and associated metadata. file_path : pathlib.Path or str Path to the file to save the poses to. File extension must be .h5. Notes ----- The output file will contain the following keys (as in SLEAP .h5 analysis files): "track_names", "node_names", "tracks", "track_occupancy", "point_scores", "instance_scores", "tracking_scores", "labels_path", "edge_names", "edge_inds", "video_path", "video_ind", "provenance" [1]_. However, only "track_names", "node_names", "tracks", "track_occupancy" and "point_scores" will contain data extracted from the input dataset. "labels_path" will contain the path to the input file only if the source file of the dataset is a SLEAP .slp file. Otherwise, it will be an empty string. The other attributes and data variables that are not present in the input dataset will contain default (empty) values. References ---------- .. [1] Examples -------- >>> from import save_poses, load_poses >>> ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("path/to/file.h5") >>> save_poses.to_sleap_analysis_file( ... ds, "/path/to/file_sleap.analysis.h5" ... ) """ file = _validate_file_path(file_path=file_path, expected_suffix=[".h5"]) _validate_dataset(ds) ds = _remove_unoccupied_tracks(ds) # Target shapes: # "track_occupancy" n_frames * n_individuals # "tracks" n_individuals * n_space * n_keypoints * n_frames # "track_names" n_individuals # "point_scores" n_individuals * n_keypoints * n_frames # "instance_scores" n_individuals * n_frames # "tracking_scores" n_individuals * n_frames individual_names = ds.individuals.values.tolist() n_individuals = len(individual_names) keypoint_names = ds.keypoints.values.tolist() # Compute frame indices from fps, if set if ds.fps is not None: frame_idxs = np.rint(ds.time.values * ds.fps).astype(int).tolist() else: frame_idxs = ds.time.values.astype(int).tolist() n_frames = frame_idxs[-1] - frame_idxs[0] + 1 pos_x = ds.position.sel(space="x").values # Mask denoting which individuals are present in each frame track_occupancy = (~np.all(np.isnan(pos_x), axis=2)).astype(int) tracks = np.transpose(, (1, 3, 2, 0)) point_scores = np.transpose(, (1, 2, 0)) instance_scores = np.full((n_individuals, n_frames), np.nan, dtype=float) tracking_scores = np.full((n_individuals, n_frames), np.nan, dtype=float) labels_path = ( ds.source_file if Path(ds.source_file).suffix == ".slp" else "" ) data_dict = dict( track_names=individual_names, node_names=keypoint_names, tracks=tracks, track_occupancy=track_occupancy, point_scores=point_scores, instance_scores=instance_scores, tracking_scores=tracking_scores, labels_path=labels_path, edge_names=[], edge_inds=[], video_path="", video_ind=0, provenance="{}", ) with h5py.File(file.path, "w") as f: for key, val in data_dict.items(): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): f.create_dataset( key, data=val, compression="gzip", compression_opts=9, ) else: f.create_dataset(key, data=val)"Saved poses dataset to {file.path}.")
def _remove_unoccupied_tracks(ds: xr.Dataset): """Remove tracks that are completely unoccupied from the dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset ``movement`` dataset containing pose tracks, confidence scores, and associated metadata. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset The input dataset without the unoccupied tracks. """ all_nan = ds.position.isnull().all(dim=["keypoints", "space", "time"]) return ds.where(~all_nan, drop=True) def _validate_file_path( file_path: Union[str, Path], expected_suffix: list[str] ) -> ValidFile: """Validate the input file path. We check that the file has write permission and the expected suffix(es). Parameters ---------- file_path : pathlib.Path or str Path to the file to validate. expected_suffix : list of str Expected suffix(es) for the file. Returns ------- ValidFile The validated file. Raises ------ OSError If the file cannot be written. ValueError If the file does not have the expected suffix. """ try: file = ValidFile( file_path, expected_permission="w", expected_suffix=expected_suffix, ) except (OSError, ValueError) as error: logger.error(error) raise error return file def _validate_dataset(ds: xr.Dataset) -> None: """Validate the input as a proper ``movement`` dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset to validate. Raises ------ ValueError If `ds` is not an a valid ``movement`` dataset. """ if not isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected an xarray Dataset, but got {type(ds)}." ) ds.move.validate() # validate the dataset