Source code for

"""`attrs` classes for validating file paths and data structures."""

import os
from import Iterable
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np
from attrs import converters, define, field, validators

from movement.logging import log_error, log_warning

[docs] @define class ValidFile: """Class for validating file paths. Parameters ---------- path : str or pathlib.Path Path to the file. expected_permission : {"r", "w", "rw"} Expected access permission(s) for the file. If "r", the file is expected to be readable. If "w", the file is expected to be writable. If "rw", the file is expected to be both readable and writable. Default: "r". expected_suffix : list of str Expected suffix(es) for the file. If an empty list (default), this check is skipped. Raises ------ IsADirectoryError If the path points to a directory. PermissionError If the file does not have the expected access permission(s). FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist when `expected_permission` is "r" or "rw". FileExistsError If the file exists when `expected_permission` is "w". ValueError If the file does not have one of the expected suffix(es). """ path: Path = field(converter=Path, validator=validators.instance_of(Path)) expected_permission: Literal["r", "w", "rw"] = field( default="r", validator=validators.in_(["r", "w", "rw"]), kw_only=True ) expected_suffix: list[str] = field(factory=list, kw_only=True) @path.validator def path_is_not_dir(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the path does not point to a directory.""" if value.is_dir(): raise log_error( IsADirectoryError, f"Expected a file path but got a directory: {value}.", ) @path.validator def file_exists_when_expected(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the file exists (or not) as needed. This depends on the expected usage (read and/or write). """ if "r" in self.expected_permission: if not value.exists(): raise log_error( FileNotFoundError, f"File {value} does not exist." ) else: # expected_permission is "w" if value.exists(): raise log_error( FileExistsError, f"File {value} already exists." ) @path.validator def file_has_access_permissions(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the file has the expected access permission(s). Raises a PermissionError if not. """ file_is_readable = os.access(value, os.R_OK) parent_is_writeable = os.access(value.parent, os.W_OK) if ("r" in self.expected_permission) and (not file_is_readable): raise log_error( PermissionError, f"Unable to read file: {value}. " "Make sure that you have read permissions.", ) if ("w" in self.expected_permission) and (not parent_is_writeable): raise log_error( PermissionError, f"Unable to write to file: {value}. " "Make sure that you have write permissions.", ) @path.validator def file_has_expected_suffix(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the file has one of the expected suffix(es).""" if self.expected_suffix and value.suffix not in self.expected_suffix: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected file with suffix(es) {self.expected_suffix} " f"but got suffix {value.suffix} instead.", )
[docs] @define class ValidHDF5: """Class for validating HDF5 files. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path Path to the HDF5 file. expected_datasets : list of str or None List of names of the expected datasets in the HDF5 file. If an empty list (default), this check is skipped. Raises ------ ValueError If the file is not in HDF5 format or if it does not contain the expected datasets. """ path: Path = field(validator=validators.instance_of(Path)) expected_datasets: list[str] = field(factory=list, kw_only=True) @path.validator def file_is_h5(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the file is indeed in HDF5 format.""" try: with h5py.File(value, "r") as f: f.close() except Exception as e: raise log_error( ValueError, f"File {value} does not seem to be in valid" "HDF5 format.", ) from e @path.validator def file_contains_expected_datasets(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the HDF5 file contains the expected datasets.""" if self.expected_datasets: with h5py.File(value, "r") as f: diff = set(self.expected_datasets).difference(set(f.keys())) if len(diff) > 0: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Could not find the expected dataset(s) {diff} " f"in file: {value}. ", )
[docs] @define class ValidDeepLabCutCSV: """Class for validating DeepLabCut-style .csv files. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path Path to the .csv file. Raises ------ ValueError If the .csv file does not contain the expected DeepLabCut index column levels among its top rows. """ path: Path = field(validator=validators.instance_of(Path)) @path.validator def csv_file_contains_expected_levels(self, attribute, value): """Ensure that the .csv file contains the expected index column levels. These are to be found among the top 4 rows of the file. """ expected_levels = ["scorer", "bodyparts", "coords"] with open(value) as f: top4_row_starts = [f.readline().split(",")[0] for _ in range(4)] if top4_row_starts[3].isdigit(): # if 4th row starts with a digit, assume single-animal DLC file expected_levels.append(top4_row_starts[3]) else: # otherwise, assume multi-animal DLC file expected_levels.insert(1, "individuals") if top4_row_starts != expected_levels: raise log_error( ValueError, ".csv header rows do not match the known format for " "DeepLabCut pose estimation output files.", )
def _list_of_str(value: Union[str, Iterable[Any]]) -> list[str]: """Try to coerce the value into a list of strings.""" if isinstance(value, str): log_warning( f"Invalid value ({value}). Expected a list of strings. " "Converting to a list of length 1." ) return [value] elif isinstance(value, Iterable): return [str(item) for item in value] else: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Invalid value ({value}). Expected a list of strings." ) def _ensure_type_ndarray(value: Any) -> None: """Raise ValueError the value is a not numpy array.""" if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected a numpy array, but got {type(value)}." ) def _set_fps_to_none_if_invalid(fps: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]: """Set fps to None if a non-positive float is passed.""" if fps is not None and fps <= 0: log_warning( f"Invalid fps value ({fps}). Expected a positive number. " "Setting fps to None." ) return None return fps def _validate_list_length( attribute: str, value: Optional[list], expected_length: int ): """Raise a ValueError if the list does not have the expected length.""" if (value is not None) and (len(value) != expected_length): raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected `{attribute}` to have length {expected_length}, " f"but got {len(value)}.", )
[docs] @define(kw_only=True) class ValidPosesDataset: """Class for validating data intended for a ``movement`` dataset. Attributes ---------- position_array : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_keypoints, n_space) containing the poses. confidence_array : np.ndarray, optional Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_keypoints) containing the point-wise confidence scores. If None (default), the scores will be set to an array of NaNs. individual_names : list of str, optional List of unique names for the individuals in the video. If None (default), the individuals will be named "individual_0", "individual_1", etc. keypoint_names : list of str, optional List of unique names for the keypoints in the skeleton. If None (default), the keypoints will be named "keypoint_0", "keypoint_1", etc. fps : float, optional Frames per second of the video. Defaults to None. source_software : str, optional Name of the software from which the poses were loaded. Defaults to None. """ # Define class attributes position_array: np.ndarray = field() confidence_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = field(default=None) individual_names: Optional[list[str]] = field( default=None, converter=converters.optional(_list_of_str), ) keypoint_names: Optional[list[str]] = field( default=None, converter=converters.optional(_list_of_str), ) fps: Optional[float] = field( default=None, converter=converters.pipe( # type: ignore converters.optional(float), _set_fps_to_none_if_invalid ), ) source_software: Optional[str] = field( default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(str)), ) # Add validators @position_array.validator def _validate_position_array(self, attribute, value): _ensure_type_ndarray(value) if value.ndim != 4: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected `{attribute}` to have 4 dimensions, " f"but got {value.ndim}.", ) if value.shape[-1] not in [2, 3]: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected `{attribute}` to have 2 or 3 spatial dimensions, " f"but got {value.shape[-1]}.", ) @confidence_array.validator def _validate_confidence_array(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: _ensure_type_ndarray(value) expected_shape = self.position_array.shape[:-1] if value.shape != expected_shape: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected `{attribute}` to have shape " f"{expected_shape}, but got {value.shape}.", ) @individual_names.validator def _validate_individual_names(self, attribute, value): if self.source_software == "LightningPose": # LightningPose only supports a single individual _validate_list_length(attribute, value, 1) else: _validate_list_length( attribute, value, self.position_array.shape[1] ) @keypoint_names.validator def _validate_keypoint_names(self, attribute, value): _validate_list_length(attribute, value, self.position_array.shape[2]) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Assign default values to optional attributes (if None).""" if self.confidence_array is None: self.confidence_array = np.full( (self.position_array.shape[:-1]), np.nan, dtype="float32" ) log_warning( "Confidence array was not provided." "Setting to an array of NaNs." ) if self.individual_names is None: self.individual_names = [ f"individual_{i}" for i in range(self.position_array.shape[1]) ] log_warning( "Individual names were not provided. " f"Setting to {self.individual_names}." ) if self.keypoint_names is None: self.keypoint_names = [ f"keypoint_{i}" for i in range(self.position_array.shape[2]) ] log_warning( "Keypoint names were not provided. " f"Setting to {self.keypoint_names}." )