"""Utility functions for vector operations."""
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from movement.utils.logging import log_error
from movement.validators.arrays import (
def compute_norm(data: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Compute the norm of the vectors along the spatial dimension.
The norm of a vector is its magnitude, also called Euclidean norm, 2-norm
or Euclidean length. Note that if the input data is expressed in polar
coordinates, the magnitude of a vector is the same as its radial coordinate
data : xarray.DataArray
The input data array containing either ``space`` or ``space_pol``
as a dimension.
A data array holding the norm of the input vectors.
Note that this output array has no spatial dimension but preserves
all other dimensions of the input data array (see Notes).
If the input data array is a ``position`` array, this function will compute
the magnitude of the position vectors, for every individual and keypoint,
at every timestep. If the input data array is a ``shape`` array of a
bounding boxes dataset, it will compute the magnitude of the shape
vectors (i.e., the diagonal of the bounding box),
for every individual and at every timestep.
if "space" in data.dims:
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space": ["x", "y"]})
return xr.apply_ufunc(
kwargs={"axis": -1},
elif "space_pol" in data.dims:
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space_pol": ["rho", "phi"]})
return data.sel(space_pol="rho", drop=True)
def convert_to_unit(data: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Convert the vectors along the spatial dimension into unit vectors.
A unit vector is a vector pointing in the same direction as the original
vector but with norm = 1.
data : xarray.DataArray
The input data array containing either ``space`` or ``space_pol``
as a dimension.
A data array holding the unit vectors of the input data array
(all input dimensions are preserved).
Note that the unit vector for the null vector is undefined, since the null
vector has 0 norm and no direction associated with it.
if "space" in data.dims:
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space": ["x", "y"]})
return data / compute_norm(data)
elif "space_pol" in data.dims:
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space_pol": ["rho", "phi"]})
# Set both rho and phi values to NaN at null vectors (where rho = 0)
new_data = xr.where(data.sel(space_pol="rho") == 0, np.nan, data)
# Set the rho values to 1 for non-null vectors (phi is preserved)
new_data.loc[{"space_pol": "rho"}] = xr.where(
new_data.sel(space_pol="rho").isnull(), np.nan, 1
return new_data
def cart2pol(data: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar.
data : xarray.DataArray
The input data containing ``space`` as a dimension,
with ``x`` and ``y`` in the dimension coordinate.
An xarray DataArray containing the polar coordinates
stored in the ``space_pol`` dimension, with ``rho``
and ``phi`` in the dimension coordinate. The angles
``phi`` returned are in radians, in the range ``[-pi, pi]``.
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space": ["x", "y"]})
rho = compute_norm(data)
phi = xr.apply_ufunc(
# Replace space dim with space_pol
dims = list(data.dims)
dims[dims.index("space")] = "space_pol"
return xr.combine_nested(
rho.assign_coords({"space_pol": "rho"}),
phi.assign_coords({"space_pol": "phi"}),
def pol2cart(data: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Transform polar coordinates to Cartesian.
data : xarray.DataArray
The input data containing ``space_pol`` as a dimension,
with ``rho`` and ``phi`` in the dimension coordinate.
An xarray DataArray containing the Cartesian coordinates
stored in the ``space`` dimension, with ``x`` and ``y``
in the dimension coordinate.
validate_dims_coords(data, {"space_pol": ["rho", "phi"]})
rho = data.sel(space_pol="rho")
phi = data.sel(space_pol="phi")
x = rho * np.cos(phi)
y = rho * np.sin(phi)
# Replace space_pol dim with space
dims = list(data.dims)
dims[dims.index("space_pol")] = "space"
return xr.combine_nested(
x.assign_coords({"space": "x"}),
y.assign_coords({"space": "y"}),
def compute_signed_angle_2d(
u: xr.DataArray,
v: xr.DataArray | np.ndarray,
v_as_left_operand: bool = False,
) -> xr.DataArray:
r"""Compute the signed angle from the vector ``u`` to the vector ``v``.
The signed angle between ``u`` and ``v`` is the rotation that needs to be
applied to ``u`` to have it point in the same direction as ``v`` (see
Notes). Angles are returned in radians, spanning :math:`(-\pi, \pi]`
according to the ``arctan2`` convention.
u : xarray.DataArray
An array of position vectors containing the ``space``
dimension with only ``"x"`` and ``"y"`` coordinates.
v : xarray.DataArray | numpy.ndarray
A 2D vector (or array of 2D vectors) against which to
compare ``u``. May either be an xarray
DataArray containing the ``"space"`` dimension or a numpy
array containing one or more 2D vectors. (See Notes)
v_as_left_operand : bool, default False
If True, the signed angle between ``v`` and ``u`` is returned, instead
of the signed angle between ``u`` and ``v``. This is a convenience
wrapper for when one of the two vectors to be used does not have time
points, and the other does.
xarray.DataArray :
An xarray DataArray containing signed angle between
``u`` and ``v`` for every time point. Matches the dimensions of
``u``, but without the ``space`` dimension.
Given two vectors :math:`u = (u_x, u_y)` and :math:`v = (v_x, v_y)`,
the signed angle :math:`\alpha` between ``u`` and ``v`` is computed as
.. math::
\alpha &= \mathrm{arctan2}(u \times v, u\cdot v) \\
&= \mathrm{arctan2}(u_x v_y - u_y v_x, u_x v_x + u_y v_y),
which corresponds to the rotation that needs to be applied to ``u`` for it
to point in the direction of ``v``.
If ``v`` is passed as an ``xarray.DataArray``, ``v`` must have the spatial
coordinates ``"x"`` and ``"y"`` only, and must have a ``time`` dimension
matching that of ``u``.
If passed as a numpy array, the ``v`` must have one of three shapes:
- ``(2,)``: where dimension ``0`` contains spatial
coordinates (x,y), and no time dimension is specified.
- ``(1,2)``:, where dimension ``0`` corresponds to a
single time-point and dimension ``1`` contains spatial
coordinates (x,y).
- ``(n,2)``: where dimension ``0`` corresponds to
time and dimension ``1`` contains spatial coordinates
(x,y), and where ``n == len(u.time)``.
Vectors given as ``v`` that contain more dimensions, or have shapes
otherwise different from those defined above are considered invalid.
validate_dims_coords(u, {"space": ["x", "y"]}, exact_coords=True)
# ensure v can be broadcast over u
v_with_matching_dims = validate_reference_vector(v, u)
u_unit = convert_to_unit(u)
u_x = u_unit.sel(space="x")
u_y = u_unit.sel(space="y")
v_unit = convert_to_unit(v_with_matching_dims)
v_x = v_unit.sel(space="x")
v_y = v_unit.sel(space="y")
cross = u_x * v_y - u_y * v_x
if v_as_left_operand:
cross *= -1.0
dot = u_x * v_x + u_y * v_y
angles = np.arctan2(cross, dot)
# arctan2 returns values in [-pi, pi].
# We need to map -pi angles to pi, to stay in the (-pi, pi] range
angles[angles <= -np.pi] = np.pi
return angles
def _raise_error_for_missing_spatial_dim() -> None:
raise log_error(
"Input data array must contain either 'space' or 'space_pol' "
"as dimensions.",