(target-installation)= # Installation ## Create a conda environment :::{admonition} Use a conda environment :class: note We recommend you install movement inside a [conda](conda:) or [mamba](mamba:) environment, to avoid dependency conflicts with other packages. In the following we assume you have `conda` installed, but the same commands will also work with `mamba`/`micromamba`. ::: First, create and activate an environment with some prerequisites. You can call your environment whatever you like, we've used `movement-env`. ```sh conda create -n movement-env -c conda-forge python=3.10 pytables conda activate movement-env ``` ## Install the package Then install the `movement` package as described below. ::::{tab-set} :::{tab-item} Users To get the latest release from PyPI: ```sh pip install movement ``` If you have an older version of `movement` installed in the same environment, you can update to the latest version with: ```sh pip install --upgrade movement ``` ::: :::{tab-item} Developers To get the latest development version, clone the [GitHub repository](movement-github:) and then run from inside the repository: ```sh pip install -e .[dev] # works on most shells pip install -e '.[dev]' # works on zsh (the default shell on macOS) ``` This will install the package in editable mode, including all `dev` dependencies. Please see the [contributing guide](target-contributing) for more information. ::: :::: ## Check the installation To verify that the installation was successful, you can run the following command (with the `movement-env` activated): ```sh movement info ``` You should see a printout including the version numbers of `movement` and some of its dependencies.