(target-sample-data)= # Sample data `movement` includes some sample data files that you can use to try out the package. These files contain predicted pose tracks from various [supported formats](target-supported-formats). You can list the available sample data files using: ```python from movement import sample_data file_names = sample_data.list_datasets() print(file_names) ``` This will print a list of file names containing sample pose data. Each file is prefixed with the name of the pose estimation software package that was used to generate it - either "DLC", "SLEAP", or "LP". To load one of the sample datasets, you can use the {func}`movement.sample_data.fetch_dataset()` function: ```python ds = sample_data.fetch_dataset("DLC_two-mice.predictions.csv") ``` This function loads the sample pose data as a [movement dataset](target-dataset). Some sample datasets may also have an associated video file (the video based on which the poses were predicted) or a single frame extracted from that video. These files are not directly loaded into the `movement` dataset, but their paths can be accessed as dataset attributes: ```python ds.frame_path ds.video_path ``` If the value of one of these attributes is `None`, it means that the associated file is not available for the sample dataset. Under the hood, the first time you call the `fetch_dataset()` function, it will download the corresponding files to your local machine and cache them in the `~/.movement/data` directory. On subsequent calls, the data are directly loaded from the local cache.