Source code for movement.validators.datasets

"""``attrs`` classes for validating data structures."""

from import Iterable
from typing import Any

import attrs
import numpy as np
from attrs import converters, define, field, validators

from movement.utils.logging import log_error, log_warning

def _convert_to_list_of_str(value: str | Iterable[Any]) -> list[str]:
    """Try to coerce the value into a list of strings."""
    if isinstance(value, str):
            f"Invalid value ({value}). Expected a list of strings. "
            "Converting to a list of length 1."
        return [value]
    elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
        return [str(item) for item in value]
        raise log_error(
            ValueError, f"Invalid value ({value}). Expected a list of strings."

def _convert_fps_to_none_if_invalid(fps: float | None) -> float | None:
    """Set fps to None if a non-positive float is passed."""
    if fps is not None and fps <= 0:
            f"Invalid fps value ({fps}). Expected a positive number. "
            "Setting fps to None."
        return None
    return fps

def _validate_type_ndarray(value: Any) -> None:
    """Raise ValueError the value is a not numpy array."""
    if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
        raise log_error(
            ValueError, f"Expected a numpy array, but got {type(value)}."

def _validate_array_shape(
    attribute: attrs.Attribute, value: np.ndarray, expected_shape: tuple
    """Raise ValueError if the value does not have the expected shape."""
    if value.shape != expected_shape:
        raise log_error(
            f"Expected '{}' to have shape {expected_shape}, "
            f"but got {value.shape}.",

def _validate_list_length(
    attribute: attrs.Attribute, value: list | None, expected_length: int
    """Raise a ValueError if the list does not have the expected length."""
    if (value is not None) and (len(value) != expected_length):
        raise log_error(
            f"Expected '{}' to have length {expected_length}, "
            f"but got {len(value)}.",

[docs] @define(kw_only=True) class ValidPosesDataset: """Class for validating poses data intended for a ``movement`` dataset. The validator ensures that within the ``movement poses`` dataset: - The required ``position_array`` is a numpy array with the last dimension containing 2 or 3 spatial coordinates. - The optional ``confidence_array``, if provided, is a numpy array with its shape matching the first three dimensions of the ``position_array``; otherwise, it defaults to an array of NaNs. - The optional ``individual_names`` and ``keypoint_names``, if provided, match the number of individuals and keypoints in the dataset, respectively; otherwise, default names are assigned. - The optional ``fps`` is a positive float; otherwise, it defaults to None. - The optional ``source_software`` is a string; otherwise, it defaults to None. Attributes ---------- position_array : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_keypoints, n_space) containing the poses. confidence_array : np.ndarray, optional Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_keypoints) containing the point-wise confidence scores. If None (default), the scores will be set to an array of NaNs. individual_names : list of str, optional List of unique names for the individuals in the video. If None (default), the individuals will be named "individual_0", "individual_1", etc. keypoint_names : list of str, optional List of unique names for the keypoints in the skeleton. If None (default), the keypoints will be named "keypoint_0", "keypoint_1", etc. fps : float, optional Frames per second of the video. Defaults to None. source_software : str, optional Name of the software from which the poses were loaded. Defaults to None. Raises ------ ValueError If the dataset does not meet the ``movement poses`` dataset requirements. """ # Required attributes position_array: np.ndarray = field() # Optional attributes confidence_array: np.ndarray | None = field(default=None) individual_names: list[str] | None = field( default=None, converter=converters.optional(_convert_to_list_of_str), ) keypoint_names: list[str] | None = field( default=None, converter=converters.optional(_convert_to_list_of_str), ) fps: float | None = field( default=None, converter=converters.pipe( # type: ignore converters.optional(float), _convert_fps_to_none_if_invalid ), ) source_software: str | None = field( default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(str)), ) # Add validators @position_array.validator def _validate_position_array(self, attribute, value): _validate_type_ndarray(value) if value.ndim != 4: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected '{}' to have 4 dimensions, " f"but got {value.ndim}.", ) if value.shape[-1] not in [2, 3]: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected '{}' to have 2 or 3 spatial " f"dimensions, but got {value.shape[-1]}.", ) @confidence_array.validator def _validate_confidence_array(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: _validate_type_ndarray(value) _validate_array_shape( attribute, value, expected_shape=self.position_array.shape[:-1] ) @individual_names.validator def _validate_individual_names(self, attribute, value): if self.source_software == "LightningPose": # LightningPose only supports a single individual _validate_list_length(attribute, value, 1) else: _validate_list_length( attribute, value, self.position_array.shape[1] ) @keypoint_names.validator def _validate_keypoint_names(self, attribute, value): _validate_list_length(attribute, value, self.position_array.shape[2]) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Assign default values to optional attributes (if None).""" if self.confidence_array is None: self.confidence_array = np.full( (self.position_array.shape[:-1]), np.nan, dtype="float32" ) log_warning( "Confidence array was not provided." "Setting to an array of NaNs." ) if self.individual_names is None: self.individual_names = [ f"individual_{i}" for i in range(self.position_array.shape[1]) ] log_warning( "Individual names were not provided. " f"Setting to {self.individual_names}." ) if self.keypoint_names is None: self.keypoint_names = [ f"keypoint_{i}" for i in range(self.position_array.shape[2]) ] log_warning( "Keypoint names were not provided. " f"Setting to {self.keypoint_names}." )
[docs] @define(kw_only=True) class ValidBboxesDataset: """Class for validating bounding boxes' data for a ``movement`` dataset. The validator considers 2D bounding boxes only. It ensures that within the ``movement bboxes`` dataset: - The required ``position_array`` and ``shape_array`` are numpy arrays, with the last dimension containing 2 spatial coordinates. - The optional ``confidence_array``, if provided, is a numpy array with its shape matching the first two dimensions of the ``position_array``; otherwise, it defaults to an array of NaNs. - The optional ``individual_names``, if provided, match the number of individuals in the dataset; otherwise, default names are assigned. - The optional ``frame_array``, if provided, is a column vector with the frame numbers; otherwise, it defaults to an array of 0-based integers. - The optional ``fps`` is a positive float; otherwise, it defaults to None. - The optional ``source_software`` is a string; otherwise, it defaults to None. Attributes ---------- position_array : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_space) containing the tracks of the bounding boxes' centroids. shape_array : np.ndarray Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals, n_space) containing the shape of the bounding boxes. The shape of a bounding box is its width (extent along the x-axis of the image) and height (extent along the y-axis of the image). confidence_array : np.ndarray, optional Array of shape (n_frames, n_individuals) containing the confidence scores of the bounding boxes. If None (default), the confidence scores are set to an array of NaNs. individual_names : list of str, optional List of individual names for the tracked bounding boxes in the video. If None (default), bounding boxes are assigned names based on the size of the ``position_array``. The names will be in the format of ``id_<N>``, where <N> is an integer from 0 to ``position_array.shape[1]-1``. frame_array : np.ndarray, optional Array of shape (n_frames, 1) containing the frame numbers for which bounding boxes are defined. If None (default), frame numbers will be assigned based on the first dimension of the ``position_array``, starting from 0. fps : float, optional Frames per second defining the sampling rate of the data. Defaults to None. source_software : str, optional Name of the software that generated the data. Defaults to None. Raises ------ ValueError If the dataset does not meet the ``movement bboxes`` dataset requirements. """ # Required attributes position_array: np.ndarray = field() shape_array: np.ndarray = field() # Optional attributes confidence_array: np.ndarray | None = field(default=None) individual_names: list[str] | None = field( default=None, converter=converters.optional( _convert_to_list_of_str ), # force into list of strings if not ) frame_array: np.ndarray | None = field(default=None) fps: float | None = field( default=None, converter=converters.pipe( # type: ignore converters.optional(float), _convert_fps_to_none_if_invalid ), ) source_software: str | None = field( default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(str)), ) # Validators @position_array.validator @shape_array.validator def _validate_position_and_shape_arrays(self, attribute, value): _validate_type_ndarray(value) # check last dimension (spatial) has 2 coordinates n_expected_spatial_coordinates = 2 if value.shape[-1] != n_expected_spatial_coordinates: raise log_error( ValueError, f"Expected '{}' to have 2 spatial coordinates, " f"but got {value.shape[-1]}.", ) @individual_names.validator def _validate_individual_names(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: _validate_list_length( attribute, value, self.position_array.shape[1] ) # check n_individual_names are unique # NOTE: combined with the requirement above, we are enforcing # unique IDs per frame if len(value) != len(set(value)): raise log_error( ValueError, "individual_names passed to the dataset are not unique. " f"There are {len(value)} elements in the list, but " f"only {len(set(value))} are unique.", ) @confidence_array.validator def _validate_confidence_array(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: _validate_type_ndarray(value) _validate_array_shape( attribute, value, expected_shape=self.position_array.shape[:-1] ) @frame_array.validator def _validate_frame_array(self, attribute, value): if value is not None: _validate_type_ndarray(value) # should be a column vector (n_frames, 1) _validate_array_shape( attribute, value, expected_shape=(self.position_array.shape[0], 1), ) # check frames are continuous: exactly one frame number per row if not np.all(np.diff(value, axis=0) == 1): raise log_error( ValueError, f"Frame numbers in {} are not continuous.", ) # Define defaults def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Assign default values to optional attributes (if None). If no confidence_array is provided, set it to an array of NaNs. If no individual names are provided, assign them unique IDs per frame, starting with 0 ("id_0"). """ # assign default confidence_array if self.confidence_array is None: self.confidence_array = np.full( (self.position_array.shape[:-1]), np.nan, dtype="float32", ) log_warning( "Confidence array was not provided. " "Setting to an array of NaNs." ) # assign default individual_names if self.individual_names is None: self.individual_names = [ f"id_{i}" for i in range(self.position_array.shape[1]) ] log_warning( "Individual names for the bounding boxes " "were not provided. " "Setting to 0-based IDs that are unique per frame: \n" f"{self.individual_names}.\n" ) # assign default frame_array if self.frame_array is None: n_frames = self.position_array.shape[0] self.frame_array = np.arange(n_frames).reshape(-1, 1) log_warning( "Frame numbers were not provided. " "Setting to an array of 0-based integers." )