
Supported formats#

movement can load pose tracks from various pose estimation frameworks. Currently, these include:


movement only deals with the predicted pose tracks output by these software packages. It does not support the training or labelling of the data.

Loading pose tracks#

The loading functionalities are provided by the module, which can be imported as follows:

from import load_poses

Depending on the source sofrware, one of the following functions can be used.

Load from SLEAP analysis files (.h5, recommended), or from .slp files (experimental):

ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("/path/to/file.analysis.h5", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.h5", source_software="SLEAP", fps=30

You can also load from SLEAP .slp files in the same way, but there are caveats to that approach (see notes in

ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("/path/to/file.predictions.slp", fps=30)

Load from DeepLabCut files (.h5):

ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("/path/to/file.h5", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.h5", source_software="DeepLabCut", fps=30

You may also load .csv files (assuming they are formatted as DeepLabCut expects them):

ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("/path/to/file.csv", fps=30)

Load from LightningPose files (.csv):

ds = load_poses.from_lp_file("/path/to/file.analysis.csv", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.csv", source_software="LightningPose", fps=30

The loaded data include the predicted positions for each individual and keypoint as well as the associated point-wise confidence values, as reported by the pose estimation software. See the movement dataset page for more information on data structure.

You can also try movement out on some sample data included with the package.

Saving pose tracks#

movement datasets can be saved as a variety of formats, including DeepLabCut-style files (.h5 or .csv) and SLEAP-style analysis files (.h5).

First import the module:

from import save_poses

Then, depending on the desired format, use one of the following functions:

Save to SLEAP-style analysis files (.h5):

save_poses.to_sleap_analysis_file(ds, "/path/to/file.h5")


When saving to SLEAP-style files, only track_names, node_names, tracks, track_occupancy, and point_scores are saved. labels_path will only be saved if the source file of the dataset is a SLEAP .slp file. Otherwise, it will be an empty string. Other attributes and data variables (i.e., instance_scores, tracking_scores, edge_names, edge_inds, video_path, video_ind, and provenance) are not currently supported. To learn more about what each attribute and data variable represents, see the SLEAP documentation.

Save to DeepLabCut-style files (.h5 or .csv):

save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.h5")  # preferred format
save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv")

The function also accepts a split_individuals boolean argument. If set to True, the function will save the data as separate single-animal DeepLabCut-style files.

Save to LightningPose files (.csv).

save_poses.to_lp_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv")


Because LightningPose saves pose estimation outputs in the same format as single-animal DeepLabCut projects, the above command is equivalent to:

save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv", split_individuals=True)