
Supported formats#

movement supports the analysis of trajectories of keypoints (pose tracks) and of bounding boxes’ centroids (bounding boxes’ tracks).

To analyse pose tracks, movement supports loading data from various frameworks:

To analyse bounding boxes’ tracks, movement currently supports the VGG Image Annotator (VIA) format for tracks annotation.


At the moment movement only deals with tracked data: either keypoints or bounding boxes whose identities are known from one frame to the next, for a consecutive set of frames. For the pose estimation case, this means it only deals with the predictions output by the software packages above. It currently does not support loading manually labelled data (since this is most often defined over a non-continuous set of frames).

Below we explain how you can load pose tracks and bounding boxes’ tracks into movement, and how you can export a movement poses dataset to different file formats. You can also try movement out on some sample data included with the package.

Loading pose tracks#

The pose tracks loading functionalities are provided by the module, which can be imported as follows:

from import load_poses

To read a pose tracks file into a movement poses dataset, we provide specific functions for each of the supported formats. We additionally provide a more general from_numpy() method, with which we can build a movement poses dataset from a set of NumPy arrays.

To load SLEAP analysis files in .h5 format (recommended):

ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("/path/to/file.analysis.h5", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.h5", source_software="SLEAP", fps=30

To load SLEAP analysis files in .slp format (experimental, see notes in

ds = load_poses.from_sleap_file("/path/to/file.predictions.slp", fps=30)

To load DeepLabCut files in .h5 format:

ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("/path/to/file.h5", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.h5", source_software="DeepLabCut", fps=30

To load DeepLabCut files in .csv format:

ds = load_poses.from_dlc_file("/path/to/file.csv", fps=30)

To load LightningPose files in .csv format:

ds = load_poses.from_lp_file("/path/to/file.analysis.csv", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.csv", source_software="LightningPose", fps=30

To load Anipose files in .csv format:

ds = load_poses.from_anipose_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.csv", fps=30, individual_name="individual_0"
)  # We can optionally specify the individual name, by default it is "individual_0"

# or equivalently
ds = load_poses.from_file(
    "/path/to/file.analysis.csv", source_software="Anipose", fps=30, individual_name="individual_0"

In the example below, we create random position data for two individuals, Alice and Bob, with three keypoints each: snout, centre, and tail_base. These keypoints are tracked in 2D space for 100 frames, at 30 fps. The confidence scores are set to 1 for all points.

import numpy as np

ds = load_poses.from_numpy(
    position_array=np.random.rand(100, 2, 3, 2),
    confidence_array=np.ones((100, 2, 3)),
    individual_names=["Alice", "Bob"],
    keypoint_names=["snout", "centre", "tail_base"],

The resulting poses data structure ds will include the predicted trajectories for each individual and keypoint, as well as the associated point-wise confidence values reported by the pose estimation software.

For more information on the poses data structure, see the movement poses dataset page.

Loading bounding boxes’ tracks#

To load bounding boxes’ tracks into a movement bounding boxes dataset, we need the functions from the module. This module can be imported as:

from import load_bboxes

We currently support loading bounding boxes’ tracks in the VGG Image Annotator (VIA) format only. However, like in the poses datasets, we additionally provide a from_numpy() method, with which we can build a movement bounding boxes dataset from a set of NumPy arrays.

To load a VIA tracks .csv file:

ds = load_bboxes.from_via_tracks_file("path/to/file.csv", fps=30)

# or equivalently
ds = load_bboxes.from_file(

In the example below, we create random position data for two bounding boxes, id_0 and id_1, both with the same width (40 pixels) and height (30 pixels). These are tracked in 2D space for 100 frames, which will be numbered in the resulting dataset from 0 to 99. The confidence score for all bounding boxes is set to 0.5.

import numpy as np

ds = load_bboxes.from_numpy(
    position_array=np.random.rand(100, 2, 2),
    shape_array=np.ones((100, 2, 2)) * [40, 30],
    confidence_array=np.ones((100, 2)) * 0.5,
    individual_names=["id_0", "id_1"]

The resulting data structure ds will include the centroid trajectories for each tracked bounding box, the boxes’ widths and heights, and their associated confidence values if provided.

For more information on the bounding boxes data structure, see the movement bounding boxes dataset page.

Saving pose tracks#

movement poses datasets can be saved in a variety of formats, including DeepLabCut-style files (.h5 or .csv) and SLEAP-style analysis files (.h5).

To export pose tracks from movement, first import the module:

from import save_poses

Then, depending on the desired format, use one of the following functions:

To save as a SLEAP analysis file in .h5 format:

save_poses.to_sleap_analysis_file(ds, "/path/to/file.h5")


When saving to SLEAP-style files, only track_names, node_names, tracks, track_occupancy, and point_scores are saved. labels_path will only be saved if the source file of the dataset is a SLEAP .slp file. Otherwise, it will be an empty string. Other attributes and data variables (i.e., instance_scores, tracking_scores, edge_names, edge_inds, video_path, video_ind, and provenance) are not currently supported. To learn more about what each attribute and data variable represents, see the SLEAP documentation.

To save as a DeepLabCut file, in .h5 or .csv format:

save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.h5")  # preferred format
save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv")

The function also accepts a split_individuals boolean argument. If set to True, the function will save the data as separate single-animal DeepLabCut-style files.

To save as a LightningPose file in .csv format:

save_poses.to_lp_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv")


Because LightningPose follows the single-animal DeepLabCut .csv format, the above command is equivalent to:

save_poses.to_dlc_file(ds, "/path/to/file.csv", split_individuals=True)

Saving bounding boxes’ tracks#

We currently do not provide explicit methods to export a movement bounding boxes dataset in a specific format. However, you can easily save the bounding boxes’ trajectories to a .csv file using the standard Python library csv.

Here is an example of how you can save a bounding boxes dataset to a .csv file:

# define name for output csv file
filepath = "tracking_output.csv"

# open the csv file in write mode
with open(filepath, mode="w", newline="") as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

    # write the header
    writer.writerow(["frame_idx", "bbox_ID", "x", "y", "width", "height", "confidence"])

    # write the data
    for individual in
        for frame in
            x, y = ds.position.sel(time=frame, individuals=individual).data
            width, height = ds.shape.sel(time=frame, individuals=individual).data
            confidence = ds.confidence.sel(time=frame, individuals=individual).data
            writer.writerow([frame, individual, x, y, width, height, confidence])

Alternatively, we can convert the movement bounding boxes’ dataset to a pandas DataFrame with the xarray.DataArray.to_dataframe() method, wrangle the dataframe as required, and then apply the pandas.DataFrame.to_csv() method to save the data as a .csv file.

Sample data#

movement includes some sample data files that you can use to try the package out. These files contain pose and bounding boxes’ tracks from various supported formats.

You can list the available sample data files using:

from movement import sample_data

file_names = sample_data.list_datasets()
print(*file_names, sep='\n')  # print each sample file in a separate line

Each sample file is prefixed with the name of the software package that was used to generate it.

To load one of the sample files as a movement dataset, use the movement.sample_data.fetch_dataset() function:

filename = "SLEAP_three-mice_Aeon_proofread.analysis.h5"
ds = sample_data.fetch_dataset(filename)

Some sample datasets also have an associated video file (the video for which the data was predicted). You can request to download the sample video by setting with_video=True:

ds = sample_data.fetch_dataset(filename, with_video=True)

If available, the video file is downloaded and its path is stored in the video_path attribute of the dataset (i.e., ds.video_path). The value of this attribute is None if no video file is available for this dataset, or if you did not request it.

Some datasets also include a sample frame file, which is a single still frame extracted from the video. This can be useful for visualisation (e.g., as a background image for plotting trajectories). If available, this file is always downloaded when fetching the dataset, and its path is stored in the frame_path attribute (i.e., ds.frame_path). If no frame file is available for the dataset, ds.frame_path=None.

Under the hood

When you import the sample_data module with from movement import sample_data, movement downloads a small metadata file to your local machine with information about the latest sample datasets available. Then, the first time you call the fetch_dataset() function, movement downloads the requested file to your machine and caches it in the ~/.movement/data directory. On subsequent calls, the data are directly loaded from this local cache.