The movement datasets#

In movement, poses or bounding box tracks are represented as an xarray.Dataset object.

An xarray.Dataset object is a container for multiple arrays. Each array is an xarray.DataArray object holding different aspects of the collected data (position, time, confidence scores…). You can think of a xarray.DataArray object as a multi-dimensional numpy.ndarray with pandas-style indexing and labelling.

So a movement dataset is simply an xarray.Dataset with a specific structure to represent pose tracks or bounding box tracks. Because pose data and bounding box data are somewhat different, movement provides two types of datasets: poses datasets and bboxes datasets.

To discuss the specifics of both types of movement datasets, it is useful to clarify some concepts such as data variables, dimensions, coordinates and attributes. In the next section, we will describe these concepts and the movement datasets’ structure in some detail.

To learn more about xarray data structures in general, see the relevant documentation.

Dataset structure#

movement dataset structure

An xarray.Dataset is a collection of several data arrays that share some dimensions. The schematic shows the data arrays that make up the poses and bboxes datasets in movement.#

The structure of a movement dataset ds can be easily inspected by simply printing it.

To inspect a sample poses dataset, we can run:

from movement import sample_data

ds = sample_data.fetch_dataset(

and we would obtain an output such as:

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 27kB
Dimensions:      (time: 601, space: 2, keypoints: 1, individuals: 3)
  * time         (time) float64 5kB 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ... 11.96 11.98 12.0
  * space        (space) <U1 8B 'x' 'y'
  * keypoints    (keypoints) <U8 32B 'centroid'
  * individuals  (individuals) <U10 120B 'AEON3B_NTP' 'AEON3B_TP1' 'AEON3B_TP2'
Data variables:
    position     (time, space, keypoints, individuals) float32 14kB 770.3 ......
    confidence   (time, keypoints, individuals) float32 7kB nan nan ... nan nan
    fps:              50.0
    time_unit:        seconds
    source_software:  SLEAP
    source_file:      /home/user/.movement/data/poses/SLEAP_three-mice_Aeon...
    ds_type:          poses
    frame_path:       /home/user/.movement/data/frames/three-mice_Aeon_fram...
    video_path:       None

To inspect a sample bounding boxes dataset, we can run:

from movement import sample_data

ds = sample_data.fetch_dataset(

and the last command would print out:

<xarray.Dataset> Size: 19kB
Dimensions:      (time: 5, space: 2, individuals: 86)
  * time         (time) int64 40B 0 1 2 3 4
  * space        (space) <U1 8B 'x' 'y'
  * individuals  (individuals) <U5 2kB 'id_1' 'id_2' 'id_3' ... 'id_89' 'id_90'
Data variables:
    position     (time, space, individuals) float64 7kB 901.8 ... 923.3
    shape        (time, space, individuals) float64 7kB 60.0 30.0 ... 72.0 36.0
    confidence   (time, individuals) float64 3kB nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan
    fps:              None
    time_unit:        frames
    source_software:  VIA-tracks
    source_file:      /home/user/.movement/data/bboxes/VIA_multiple-crabs_5...
    ds_type:          bboxes
    frame_path:       None
    video_path:       None

In both cases, we can see that the description of the dataset structure refers to dimensions, coordinates, data variables, and attributes.

If you are working in a Jupyter notebook, you can view an interactive representation of the dataset by typing its variable name - e.g. ds - in a cell.

Dimensions and coordinates#

In xarray terminology, each axis of the dataset is called a dimension (dim), while the labelled “ticks” along each axis are called coordinates (coords).

A movement poses dataset has the following dimensions:

  • time, with size equal to the number of frames in the video.

  • space, which is the number of spatial dimensions. Currently, we support only 2D poses.

  • keypoints, with size equal to the number of tracked keypoints per individual.

  • individuals, with size equal to the number of tracked individuals/instances.

A movement bounding boxes dataset has the following dimensionss:

  • time, with size equal to the number of frames in the video.

  • space, which is the number of spatial dimensions. Currently, we support only 2D bounding boxes data.

  • individuals, with size equal to the number of tracked individuals/instances. Notice that these are the same dimensions as for a poses dataset, except for the keypoints dimension.

In both cases, appropriate coordinates are assigned to each dimension.

  • time is labelled in seconds if fps is provided, otherwise the coordinates are expressed in frames (ascending 0-indexed integers).

  • space is labelled with either x, y (2D) or x, y, z (3D). Note that bounding boxes datasets are restricted to 2D space.

  • keypoints are likewise labelled with a list of unique body part names, e.g. snout, right_ear, etc. Note that this dimension only exists in the poses dataset.

  • individuals are labelled with a list of unique names (e.g. mouse1, mouse2, etc. or id_0, id_1, etc.).

Additional dimensions

The above dimensions and coordinates are created by default when loading a movement dataset from a single file containing pose or bounding box tracks.

In some cases, you may encounter or create datasets with extra dimensions. For example, the function creates an additional views dimension, with the coordinates being the names given to each camera view.

Data variables#

The data variables in a movement dataset are the arrays that hold the actual data, as xarray.DataArray objects.

The specific data variables stored are slightly different between a movement poses dataset and a movement bounding boxes dataset.

A movement poses dataset contains two data variables:

  • position: the 2D or 3D locations of the keypoints over time, with shape (time, space, keypoints, individuals).

  • confidence: the confidence scores associated with each predicted keypoint (as reported by the pose estimation model), with shape (time, keypoints, individuals).

A movement bounding boxes dataset contains three data variables:

  • position: the 2D locations of the bounding box centroids over time, with shape (time, space, individuals).

  • shape: the width and height of the bounding boxes over time, with shape (time, space, individuals).

  • confidence: the confidence scores associated with each predicted bounding box, with shape (time, individuals).

Grouping data variables together in a single dataset makes it easier to keep track of the relationships between them, and makes sense when they share some common dimensions.


Both poses and bounding boxes datasets in movement have associated metadata. These can be stored as dataset attributes (i.e. inside the specially designated attrs dictionary) in the form of key-value pairs.

Right after loading a movement dataset, the following attributes are created:

  • fps: the number of frames per second in the video. If not provided, it is set to None.

  • time_unit: the unit of the time coordinates (either frames or seconds).

  • source_software: the software that produced the pose or bounding box tracks.

  • source_file: the path to the file from which the data were loaded.

  • ds_type: the type of dataset loaded (either poses or bboxes).

Some of the sample datasets provided with the movement package have additional attributes, such as:

  • video_path: the path to the video file corresponding to the pose tracks.

  • frame_path: the path to a single still frame from the video.

You can also add your own custom attributes to the dataset. For example, if you would like to record the frame of the full video at which the loaded tracking data starts, you could add a frame_offset variable to the attributes of the dataset:

ds.attrs["frame_offset"] = 142

Working with movement datasets#

Using xarray’s built-in functionality#

Since a movement dataset is an xarray.Dataset, you can use all of xarray’s intuitive interface and rich built-in functionalities for data manipulation and analysis.

For example, you can:

  • access the data variables and attributes of a dataset ds using dot notation (e.g. ds.position, ds.fps),

  • index and select data by coordinate label (e.g. ds.sel(individuals=["individual1", "individual2"])) or by integer index (e.g. ds.isel(time=slice(0,50))),

  • use dimension names for data aggregation and broadcasting, and

  • use xarray’s built-in plotting methods.

As an example, here’s how you can use xarray.Dataset.sel() to select subsets of data:

# select the first 100 seconds of data
ds_sel = ds.sel(time=slice(0, 100))

# select specific individuals or keypoints
ds_sel = ds.sel(individuals=["individual1", "individual2"])
ds_sel = ds.sel(keypoints="snout")

# combine selections
ds_sel = ds.sel(
    time=slice(0, 100),
    individuals=["individual1", "individual2"],

The same selections can be applied to the data variables inside a dataset. In that case the selection operations will return an xarray.DataArray rather than an xarray.Dataset:

position = ds.position.sel(
)  # the output is a data array

Modifying movement datasets#

Datasets can be modified by adding new data variables and attributes, or updating existing ones.

Let’s imagine we want to compute the instantaneous velocity of all tracked points and store the results within the same dataset, for convenience.

from movement.kinematics import compute_velocity

# compute velocity from position
velocity = compute_velocity(ds.position)
# add it to the dataset as a new data variable
ds["velocity"] = velocity

# we could have also done both steps in a single line
ds["velocity"] = compute_velocity(ds.position)

# we can now access velocity like any other data variable

The output of movement.kinematics.compute_velocity() is an xarray.DataArray object, with the same dimensions as the original position data variable, so adding it to the existing ds makes sense and works seamlessly.

We can also update existing data variables in-place, using xarray.Dataset.update(). For example, if we wanted to update the position and velocity arrays in our dataset, we could do:

ds.update({"position": position_filtered, "velocity": velocity_filtered})

Custom attributes can be added to the dataset with:

ds.attrs["my_custom_attribute"] = "my_custom_value"

# we can now access this value using dot notation on the dataset